
Bulk Time Zone Updates for Clients

We are excited to introduce a new feature that allows you to update time zones for multiple clients simultaneously in ClientHub. This enhancement streamlines the process, saving you time and effort when managing client time zones.

How to Update Time Zones for Multiple Clients

Follow these simple steps to update the time zones for multiple clients:

  1. Access ClientHub:
    • Log in to your ClientHub account and select ClientHub from the main menu.
  2. Select a Client:
    • Click on any client to display the Update Time Zone button.
  3. Select Multiple Clients:
    • Check the boxes next to the clients for whom you want to update the time zone.
  4. Select the Time Zone:
    • Choose the appropriate time zone from the dropdown menu.
  5. Save Changes:
    • Click the Save button to apply the updates.

For any questions or assistance, please reach out to our support team.