Subscriber Lists

Export your email list from your tax software

Instructions for 17hats, Atom, ATX, CCH Axcess, Drake, Jetpack Workflow, Karbon, Lacerte, Practice CS, ProConnect, ProSeries, QuickBooks Desktop, Office Tools, Onvio, ShareFile, TaxSlayer Pro, TaxWise, UltraTax Data Mining & Xero

Many times your tax software contains your client names and email addresses and allow for exporting of the list.  We can use this to populate your CountingWorks Pro account with names and emails so you can take advantage of our software's automated features

Skip ahead to the software you’ve been using to see our step-by-step instructions on exporting your client list to a CSV file (.csv). 

Once you have your exported file, you’ll be ready to prepare the list for importing into our system.

These instructions show you how to format and import your list once you have it.


  1. You can export your Contacts into a CSV file from your "Contacts" or "Leads" pages.
  2. Once you've navigated to either the "Leads" or "Contacts" page, press the gear icon on the top right of the section.
  3. Then, select the "Export Contacts" option.


  1. Click Reports in the top-right.
  2. Select a report drop-down and click Client Export.
  3. Change the applicable Start Date.
  4. Choose the professional.
  5. Choose All return types.
  6. Export to Excel.
  7. Open your Chrome browser settings and select the Save page as from the More Tools pop-out.

  8. Open your saved file in Excel.

Each client is duplicated based on Atom's tags. Migrating from Atom will require significant manual cleanup.


To export a client list from ATX to a CSV file:

  1. Mark the returns of the clients whose information you wish to appear in the Client List or click Mark All on the toolbar to mark all returns and include all clients.
  2. From the Return Manager, click on the Reports menu, then select Export Marked Client List.
  3. Enter a name for the file, browse to the desired export location for the file, then click Save. Your client data will be saved as CSV file.

CCH Axcess

To export your client list from CCH Axcess to a CSV file:

  1. Open the Return Manager. In the Quick Search criteria, set filters to All, click Go, then press CTRL+A to select all client IDs.
  2. Go to the Home tab, click Export Grid, select where you want to save the file, enter a file name, and click Save. Your contacts will then be downloaded to a CSV file.

Drake Software

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Report Manager.
  3. Click Client reports to expand the list.
  4. Click Client contact to expand the list.
  5. Click Address list (all clients).
  6. Click Edit report to select which fields you want to pull.
  7. Select all appropriate fields. (Refer to the templates and instructions above for guidance)
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click View Report.

For more information/more detailed instructions, please refer to Drake's help materials.

Jetpack Workflow

  1. Click on the Clients tab.
  2. Select Export Clients in the top-left.


If you have admin permission, your client data can be exported from Contacts by selecting the cloud icon and the data you want to download. A spreadsheet will then be saved to your desktop.

Find detailed instructions here.


  1. Select all clients by pressing F3 on your keyboard.
  2. Click Export in the top-left.
  3. Customize which fields you want to pull. Reference the formatting instructions and templates above for guidance.
    • Please note: Lacerte does not pull column headers. Copy or screenshot your customized list before you close it.

Practice CS

Practice CS lets you export the data for selected client accounts and the primary contact linked to each one. It cannot export data for additional or standalone contacts. To export your client list from Practice CS:

  1. Go to File, select Export, then select the clients you would like to export from the list.
  2. Select the Other checkbox under the Export Clients to section, then click the three-dots icon to select the location where you’d like the file to be saved and enter its name. Click Save.
  3. Click Export Selected in the bottom-right corner.


  1. Click Clients on the left side.
  2. Click the Download icon in the top-right.

Please note: This will not pull DOB or SSN information.


  1. Unmask SSN information.
    • Click on the Tools tab.
    • Choose Options.
    • In General Settings, ensure that Mask data in Homebase is unselected.
  2. Click Homebase.
  3. Select Add/Edit Custom Views.
  4. Select which entity type you want to begin with.
  5. Input a name for the new custom view.
    • For example: CountingWorks Pro Import
  6. On the right-hand side, select each information column you wish to import to CountingWorks Pro.
    • First Name, Last Name and Email address are required. DOB and phone number is optional.
  7. After selecting all desired columns, click Save.
  8. After creating the desired custom views, exit the current window.
  9. On the left-hand side, select Homebase View and select the first custom view created in step 3.
  10. On the home screen, click the Homebase tab and select Export View.

QuickBooks Desktop

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Select Customers & Receivables.
  3. Click Client contact list.
  4. Choose Customize Report at the top of the page and select the appropriate fields. Reference the formatting instructions and templates above for guidance.
  5. Click Okay.
  6. Click the Export icon to download an Excel file.


Please refer to their help materials.


Please refer to their provided help materials here.


To export client data from ShareFile to a CSV file:

  1. Go to Settings, then to Admin Settings.
  2. Select the Reporting section under the Company Account Info.
  3. Click the Create Report button, select Users, click Next, select Client under User Type, then select CSV under Generate. Click Create.
  4. Once your new report is ready click on its title in the list to download it.

TaxSlayer Pro

  1. Navigate to the Account hub using the box icon next to your username.
  2. Click on Federal Return Summary Report.
  3. Select the date and your EFIN number.
  4. Click Run report.
  5. Customize the Column section. Reference the formatting instructions and templates above for guidance on what information to include.

When you check All it turns everything red. Select the columns you want to deselect.


  1. Navigate and log in to your Taxwise account.
  2. Click on Reports located under Preparer Solutions.
  3. Select Generate for your Client list.
  4. Click Refresh and you can download the CSV file.

UltraTax Data Mining

  1. Click Utilities.
  2. Click Data Mining.
  3. Click Design Custom Reports.
  4. Add a name or description for the report.
    • For example: CountingWorks Pro Client Import List
  5. After selecting all required fields, proceed to Step 5 for SP info.
  6. Click Okay.
  7. Click Done.
  8. On the left side, click Export to export the custom list you've created.
    • Your custom list can typically be found at the bottom of the page.
    • Please Note: The All Clients box (second box) must be selected for the export to function correctly.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Select Excel followed by Export.


To export your client data from Xero to a CSV file:

  1. In the Contacts menu, select the contacts you want to export.
  2. Click Export. Your contacts will then download as a CSV file on your computer.