
Green Portal Security Incident Notice - 7-03-2024

This notice is regarding a potential security vulnerability identified this morning on our oldest legacy platform, known as the Green Portal, which is accessed through To protect our infrastructure and your data, we have temporarily taken down access to the Green Portal.

Please note that this action does not affect the websites hosted by CountingWorks PRO. You can still access your client files, website editor and the portal through our legacy 2.0 platform at

At this time, we do not have an estimated time for when access to the Green Portal will be restored. 

We recommend using one of the following options moving forward:

  1. Use our 2.0 Portal System:
    Log in to
    Your same user name and password will be used. You can access client files and most of the system features as normal. We also have a help center linked here with more information.
  2. Migrate to our newest 3.0 Portal System:
    The Green Portal is built on an older server architecture and will soon be deprecated by Microsoft. It will continue to be vulnerable to security issues. Therefore, we strongly recommend transitioning to one of our more secure platforms. You can reach out to a migration strategy specialist to review the process. It is a relatively easy process and includes modern security protocols. 

We will keep you updated as we review the vulnerability and determine any further actions. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding.