Subscriber Lists

How to create a new subscriber list

Create custom subscriber lists to target specific groups of leads or clients.

To create a new subscriber list see the video or instructions below:

1. Login into the 3.0 platform (

2. Click on Convert to Clients on the left and select Subscriber Lists option:

3. On the following screen, select the + New Subscriber List button in the top right-hand corner:

4. The prompt that will be displayed will ask for you to name the list and give a descriptor of that list. Hit Save once that has been completed:

5. Once the list has been created, you can select the created list and start adding users to that list, whether they are leads or clients:

6. On the next screen you will see the option to + Add Subscribers, click on that button and you will be prompted with a list of leads and clients you can add to your subscribers list. You can search through that list using the search function as well: