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How to create folders/subfolders in a client's account
If you are looking to properly organize the files you upload into your clients' accounts, please follow the steps below to create folders and/or subfolders in their accounts:
1. Navigate to Manage Clients > Client Hub. From there, click on the client's name that you are trying to upload a file to.
2. On the following screen, select the Documents tab. On the Documents page, you will notice you have a couple of options from creating new folders to uploading a file directly, in this case, we will create some new folders by selecting the + Create Folder option.
3. In the following window that appears, you will then be asked to name the folder and choose whether or not the folder is public or private. Once you have made your selection, click on the Save button.
4. Now you will see the created folder on the left. Upon clicking on the folder, the contents of the folder will appear on the right side of the screen (when you upload files into the folder of course).
5. If you click on the icon next to the folder, you will see several options for the folder there, once of which is the Create Subfolder option. Select that if you wish to create a subfolder within the folder.
6. You will then be presented with a window similar to that of creating a new folder.
7. Upon saving, you can use the collapse arrow next to the main folder to reveal the subfolder.
We hope this helps you to better organize files and folders for your clients!