
How to upload files to a client's account

To upload and share files, follow along with the video or written instructions below:

Once you have loaded your database with clients, you can then start uploading files directly in the Client Hub. In order to do this:

1. Navigate to Manage Clients > Client Hub. From there, click on the client's name that you are trying to upload a file to.

2. On the following screen, select the Documents tab. On the Documents page, you will notice you have a couple of options from creating new folders to uploading a file directly, in this case, we will upload a file by clicking on the Upload Files button.

3. In the following window that appears, you can choose to drag-and-drop files into the file upload window or click to browse for the file(s). You also can choose whether these files will be visible to the client and team members or just visible to your team members.

4. Once you have selected the file(s) you want to upload, proceed to press the Save button and you will be all set!