
How do I use the Form Builder?

Use our Form Builder to collect information from leads.

To utilize our Form Builder, log in to your account at

Navigate to your website editor and then the page where you'd like to create the form, and edit that page.

On the right hand side of the page you're editing, you'll see the Components menu. Scroll down until you see Form, click that which will open the section. You can then double-click on the component there to add it to the bottom of your current page.

While hovering over the new component in the main part of the window, symbols will show up at the top right; you can click the up/down arrows to move the component where you want it to be on the page.

To edit the form, double-click on the form component in the main part of the window and the settings will open on the right hand side of the screen. You can change the section title and subtitle that show on the left side of the component. You can also change the Form Title and Form Subtitle that show on the right side.

Scrolling down within the settings section, you can change the name of the submission button and what you'd like it to do (take them to a new link, a page within your website, your homepage, your ClientHub or download a file). If you choose the file download option, the window will update and you can add a file (png, jpg, pdf, doc, docx, xls or csv files accepted). This is best for offering clients white papers or e-books as an enticement to providing their contact information as a lead.

On the right hand side under Properties, you can select a Lead Campaign for people who sign up with this form. For example, if the form you've created is offering people an e-book about Tax Resolution, you might want to create a Tax Resolution lead campaign to nurture the lead in an attempt to turn them into a client. *If you create multiple custom forms, make sure to change the Form Identifier name on this page so you can differentiate between your different forms.

Under Advanced Settings at the bottom of the right hand side window, you'll find the Form Fields section, where you can add new fields to your form and choose whether to make them required.

Once you've finished editing your form, make sure to save your work by clicking Save & Publish (or Save as Draft if you're working on a page that you don't want people to see yet).

TIP: It is not recommended to make a lengthy form or one that requests too much information; this has been shown to produce low form fill rates. You should also not request any sensitive information via this form.

If you need assistance with your form building, please reach out to with the details.