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IRS Form 8879 KBA Version Now Available
We have finalized testing and rolled out our IRS Form 8879 e-file authorization Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) version.
What is KBA, and how does it work?
You may have already experienced KBA in other products or government services. To continue with a purchase, technology will ask some questions about your life that are personal to you.
After this information is verified, the user is allowed to continue with the purchase, or in our application, the IRS 8879 e-signature.
The IRS released a set of standards that we have incorporated into the Form 8879 process. This is a required element for your clients who are e-signing the 8879.
This feature is included in your monthly fee, but there is a $2.50 charge per each KBA signature request including retries due to failures. This functionality is now available with your e-sign library.
What happens if the taxpayer fails?
The IRS allows 3 attempts, If the taxpayer fails to provide the correct answers to the KBA questions after three attempts, you must get the taxpayer’s handwritten signature.
Please feel free to reach out to customer success at 800-442-2477 x4 with any questions or via email at help@countingworkspro.com.
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