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Lead List Database Import
This tutorial reviews how to import your lead database.
PLEASE NOTE: You cannot email purchased email addresses with CountingWorks PRO. CountingWorks PRO has a very strict permission-only policy, and it is a violation of our policy to use such lists with our service. If you do not have email addresses for your clients or prospects already, we suggest that you begin to collect them.
The database must be a .csv file, with first name, last name and email address columns.
You can export a lead list from another software you use, or you can manually create one with the file linked here.
Please save your .xls database template as a .csv file (Comma Delimited).
Login to your ClientWhys admin at portal.clientwhys.com
Click on Leads
Click on Leads List
Click on the gear settings icon located to the right of the search box.
Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click Import Lead List.

File Upload
To upload your file, drag and drop it into the box or click on the box to browse out and upload.
Click Next

Data Matching
Number the columns from your document on the left to match the required data in the column on the right. Unmatched boxes should be left blank
Click Next

Select Lists (Optional)
You can choose to apply the leads to a Nurture Campaign or Mailing List.
Note - ALL leads will be applied to the selected campaign or mailing list. If you would like specific leads to apply to specific campaigns or mailing lists, you must import those lists separately.
Click Next

Review and Import New Leads
Review the count and click Finish. The list will import immediately.
We recommend spot checking a couple of leads to verify you have correctly imported your list.