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Password Guidelines
As of February 15, 2019, CountingWorks, Inc. has updated the minimum password requirements for all TaxCPE.com users and administrators. Please note the following changes:
Strong Password Requirement
Strong passwords will now be enforced for all users. The new password requirement is:
a minimum of 8 characters
at least one upper case letter (A-Z)
at least one lower case (a-z)
at least 1 number (0-9)
at least one special character (!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@\\^`{|}~)
Users will not be allowed to reuse any of their previous 3 passwords.
When existing users with weaker passwords logout and re-login, they will be asked to set a new password that satisfies the above requirements.
Password Expiration
TaxCPE Users are now required to change passwords every 180 days. This mandatory password change interval will be required from the date any user changes his/her password.
When it is time to reset your password, the password reset screen will appear when you attempt to login to your CPE account at TaxCPE.
Password Resets
If an administrator resets a user’s password, the user will be required to change the password on the next login attempt.
Account Locked
Your account will lock after 5 failed login attempts with an incorrect username/email or password. When this happens, a pop-up link will appear that says: Your account is locked. Please use the link to reset your password.
Click the link and enter the correct username/email address in order to successfully use the reset password link. The password reset link will be emailed to you.
If you are still having issues, please send an email to cpe@countingworkspro.com or give us a call at 1-800-384-1101 for assistance.