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TaxBuzz / CountingWorks
Rackspace Email Set Up
Setting Up the Call To Action Buttons on my Newsletter and Greetings
You can now integrate call to action (CTA) buttons on your outgoing communications to stimulate year-round activity for referrals, reviews and contacts.
Login to your website admin at https://portal.clientwhys.com
Click on Communications > Setup
Click on the Preferences tab
Toggle to the right of Preferences and click on Edit

You can flag any or all of the following preferences -
"Questions" Call to Action Button - This will link directly to your website Contact Us page.
"Appointments" Call to Action Button - This links to the ClientWhys Online appointment calendar (third party calendars are not applicable)
"Reviews" Call to Action Button - This will link to your live TaxBuzz page.
"Refer Us" Call to Action Button - Links to the Send Us a Referral page on your website. (Click here for instructions on Setting Up the Send a Referral Page)
Click Save Changes.
You will now see the CTAs on your email newsletters and greetings.