
Uploading and Downloading Files To and From Clients

Upload or download a file, or bulk download files from clients

To Upload and Download Documents Directly To and From Your Clients:

  1. Navigate to Clients, then select Client List
  2. Select the client you're looking to upload files to
  3. When their individual profile is displayed, select the documents tab
  4. From there, you would click on either Upload File or Create Folder (if you wanted to organize files into folders)
  5. One thing you don't want to forget is to make sure you click on "Share" next to the files and folders that you want your clients to see in their portals.

To Bulk Download Documents:

Go to the client's Documents tab and then click on the check box below All Documents OR click only the files you want to download. Then click on the triple dot icon next to All Documents and select download selected. That should download all files that the client uploaded OR just the files that you've selected.

See the image below.