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Using inline AI Co-Pilot
Our tool will help you re-write or craft new messages using AI.
View a short introductory video below or follow the written instructions beneath it.
Navigate to your ClientHub and select a client to chat with. When the chat window opens, you'll see a new orange icon along the bottom of the chat window. You can type a message and then select that icon, or select the icon first. In this example, I placed a short sentence in the chat window to begin.
Once you've clicked the orange icon, click 'Rewrite a message' or 'Craft a new message'. I've clicked Rewrite a message. It takes the message I wrote in the chat box and brings it into the AI box. I can select the tone and add any other instructions to the Additional Details box. Then click the orange button.
You can choose to use the message as is by clicking Use Answer, or choose to Rewrite it.
If you select Use Answer, it will place your response into the chat box, where you can edit in any details (such as your name) and hit the send at the right of the screen.
Alternatively, if you hover your mouse over a recent message from a client, you'll see the orange icon. You can select it to use AI to respond to that particular message.
That's it! As with any AI, make sure to proof-read your message to make sure it conveys the proper tone and details.