Rackspace Email Set Up
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  2. Rackspace Email Set Up

Webmail Maintenance - Including Storage, Signatures, Email Forwarding, Spam Filters and Changing Passwords

Login to your webmail at mail.yourdomain.com
Click the 3 lines in the upper right hand corner, next to your name

Here you will be able to check on your available storage.

In Settings you will be able to do the following -

  • Set Up Your Signature

  • Set Up Your Auto Reply

  • Set Up Email Forwarding

  • Add an email address to your safe sender list (Safelist)

  • Add an email to your spam list (Blacklist)

  • Change your Password (if you are not able to login to webmail, please email help@countingworkspro.com)

Click on Settings

- To Set Up Your Signature

  • Click on Composing Email

  • Click on the Signatures tab

  • Click on Add New Signature

  • Click Save

- To Set Up Your Auto Reply

  • Click on Incoming Email

  • Click on Auto Reply

  • Add your message, if applicable select Enable time frame and add the start and end times.

  • Click Save

- To Set Up Your Email Forwarding

  • Click on Incoming Email

  • Click on Forwarding

  • Add the email address you would like to forward your email to.

  • Add the time frame if applicable

  • Click Save

- To Set Your Spam Setting preferences including adding email addresses to your Safelist or Blacklist, adjusting the spam handling or turning off the spam filter -

  • Click on Spam Settings

  • Click on Safelist to add emails you would like to receive.

  • Click on Blacklist to block emails you do not want to receive.

  • Click on Preferences to adjust how your spam is handled.

  • Click Save

- To Change Your Password

  • Click on Change Password

  • Click Save

Note if you are unable to login to webmail, please contact help@countingworkspro.com to reset your password.